Wake-up Call

You know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. (Romans 13:11)

THE CHALLENGE: To stay awake to Christ’s presence by remembering who you are as a member of his Body.

THE SOLUTION: Set an arbitrary alarm–a wake-up call–to go off sometime during the week. The alarm goes off, calling you to remembrance of your identity. Notice what difference that identity can make in this moment–are there blessings to be noticed or Good News to be shared? How is Christ present and calling you to act in this moment?

THE FURTHER CHALLENGE: Share this experiment with another Trinity member. Because Jesus says he is present when two or three are gathered in his name, when the alarm goes off, share the wake-up call with one or two others, reminding them of their identity and calling them to attention.

THE RESULTS: What difference does it make to know that you are Christ’s?


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