What do Users and Greeters do during the service?

The Greeters are set up outside the Narthex entrance to the church so they can greet everyone as they arrive. They are also there to welcome any newcomers and visitors. This is a very important role and all our Greeters do this very well. We have received many compliments about how welcoming our congregation is and it all starts with our Greeters. Since we only have Greeters designated for the 10:00 service, this important function is carried out by the Usher at the 8:00 service.

The role of our Greeters is pretty obvious, but have you ever really wondered what the Ushers do during the service?

The Ushers are also charged with greeting everyone as they arrive and ensuring everyone has the appropriate worship materials as they enter the church, but their duties do not stop there.

The Ushers at the 10:00 service record the Psalm, the Gospel, and the Sermon every Sunday, all of which are made available on our website. In addition to this, Ushers also collect your generous gifts to the church and monitor the flow of worshippers during the Eucharist celebration.

As you can see, the Ushers and Greeters have many duties that are essential to the Sunday services and for ensuring that people who cannot attend church have access, via the website, to some of the major parts of the worship service.


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