Trinity Listens–a new way to hear each other

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…”

The words of this song may seem shallow, sort of like sizing someone up as a possible date. But in reality, the opportunities to know and be known are few and far between. While we may have lots of people in our lives and hundreds of friends on Facebook, how often do we really connect with any of them, learning about the passions that drive them or the experiences they treasure?

In May Trinity will begin a process called a “Listening Campaign.” The program consists of interviewers—staff members, vestry and others—intentionally listening to you in a one on one conversation. Our plan is to hear what motivates and inspires, and what in your world gives you joy or anger. We hope to interview all the members of our congregation in the next 6 weeks (although, realistically, it may take longer).

Why are we doing this? Three reasons need to be shared. First, we hope to strengthen our community. While we know that the Christian life is best lived with a community of support and encouragement, so often we actually remain strangers to one another simply because we don’t know how to break the ice and get beyond the superficial talk of sports and work. How can we support one another if we don’t know what is needed or how we connect?

Our second reason for engaging in this process is to make such connections. By hearing of your concerns and motivations, we may be able to create an outlet for those passions. You may not be alone in your experiences and interests, but how will you know until you talk? As we hear each others’ stories, we will be better able to connect with one another and act on those concerns.

One final reason: We are all disciples of Christ. While that does mean we should be working together and supporting one another, it also means that we understand that we inhabit in a world that is alive with God’s presence. As Christians we seek and serve that presence wherever we might find it. But the truth is that we all find it very easy to forget that God is present at all in our lives, unless something really grand or tragic happens. What we profess and believe on Sunday then becomes largely irrelevant to Monday. By talking, we will learn to see God in our world because we will help each other see what is holy and sacred in our lives.

Now, if you have read this far, you are hopefully interested in this new project. What to do? We will be seeking volunteers to participate, although interviewers will also be calling to set up a conversation. Since our mailing list is long and our interviewers few, do let us know if you have not been contacted—we don’t want to leave anyone out! Expect that the conversation will take about 30-45 minutes. Expect also that the conversation will be an enjoyable opportunity to be heard. Look to gain clarity for yourself on who you are and what makes you tick as you share your thoughts. Imagine that as we have 100’s of these conversations we will begin to see how our lives are woven together in faith and purpose. Expect great things, because that’s who we are as God’s people!


One Response

  1. I look forward to this – hopefully with both Jim and me being able to engage in a conversation with an “interviewer”

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