Sermon Cliff Notes for October 6

Believe in something bigger!

That’s the lottery’s slogan, hinting at the possibility that if we were just daring enough and noble enough to buy a lottery ticket and believe, we would be deserving of winning that prize.  That’s faith defined by Disney, and it is so seductive.  Just believe, and you will get what you want.

By combining his “faith the size of a mustard seed” saying with this parable about how his disciples are really dutiful slaves, Jesus prevents us from understanding faith in the Disney way.  The parable demands that we, like any good and faithful servant, keep our eyes on our master, not on what it is we want, or even understand.  Such a faithful attitude isn’t going to answer all our questions and doubts, but it will keep us on the path, following Christ because that’s where life is to be found.

This week’s experiment is to live by such a faith, focused not inward on what we are getting or accomplishing, but outward on God who creates, calls, inspires, and redeems.  Our aim is to believe in that bigger picture, just like the Lottery ad suggests.  What we trust is the God beyond words, whose gift to us is life itself.  The method is simple:  Take a word from the Gospel message—hope, peace, justice, forgiveness, Kingdom, life, redemption—there are many to choose from.  Then look for the reality of that word—not what you are able to do about it, but what God is doing now to create and re-create the Gospel reality.  The Lottery is right, our hope is in believing in something bigger—they have no idea how big!

What is your Gospel word?  What do you see?  Write your story here.  There will also be a place to share at Trinity.


3 Responses

  1. My word is hope. So yesterday we had a family meeting about getting my neice off. Conservatorship and away from the public guardians office. We have our meeting w/them on Friday. We made our list & then the what ifs started. Things got heated and then “hope” popped into my head. I said “why don’t we just hope for the best. Hum!

  2. Faith:
    For me faith is both the foundation of my relationship with God and the motor that drives my actions. And it is in my actions that I find the answers to my questions and doubts about my inner being.
    My faith shapes the correctness of my actions and points their direction. When my inner being is at peace I know I am following Jesus’ admonitions.

  3. The word that came into my head was TRUST. We are supposed to hear from our lender this week about whether we will be able to keep our home. I know trust is part of faith, but it takes a great deal of courage and intentionality to trust in the Lord, as we are bidden to.

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