Travels with Trinity

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

When the trip is over, what do we have?  A lot of pictures and some souvenirs–anything else?  Statistics tell us that the answer is yes.  Travel changes us.  Vacation seems like a luxury, but it has real world benefits.  People who travel have lower rates of depression and higher rates of creativity and even happiness.  Traveling helps us adapt better to uncertainty–there’s an important life skill!  Travel makes us more adaptable and less judgmental.  When we travel, we see new things, and those new things show us that life is bigger than we previously thought–at least that’s the theory.  Certainly we’ve met people who travel to all sorts of exotic locales only to complain about everything they see.  Going around the world won’t change you anymore than going around the block, if you close yourself off from that change.

Which brings us to our Trinity passports.  First-where’s yours?  Took one with good intentions, but forgot about it halfway through the summer (speaking personally here)? Hopefully you engaged in a few of the words and challenges found in its twelve weeks of pages.  (If not, there’s still time!  We have the last weeks of our journey inviting us to serve and love the outsider, pray for our enemy, and finally repent–because that’s always a good Christian response.)

No matter how many steps you have taken on this spiritual journey, the question is still the same:  how has this summer changed you?  Is there a new insight?  Commitment?  Understanding?  The spiritual journey can give us all those travel benefits too–openness, creativity, peace, but we have to take the trip.  The spirituality of our teenage years will not carry us through our 20’s, let alone the rest of our lives.  As the summer ends, don’t miss out on this chance to move forward!

Get  your (Trinity) passport out!

Right now it’s time to finish this journey, taking those last steps of caring for the stranger and pondering those last thoughts.  Get the passport out–we’re not done yet.  Soon we will have a typical Trinity way to report on this journey.  Now let’s all make sure we all start moving, spiritually, that is!


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